from logging import Logger from discord import ApplicationContext, Bot, Cog, Embed, Interaction, slash_command from service import PlaybackManager, QueueManager from usecase import Sources class Music(Cog): def __init__( self, bot: Bot, logger: Logger, queueManager: QueueManager, playbackManager: PlaybackManager, sources: Sources, ): = bot self.logger = logger self.queueManager = queueManager self.playbackManager = playbackManager self.sources = sources @slash_command(name="play") async def play(self, context: ApplicationContext, query: str): if is None: await context.respond("Not connected to a voice channel") return async with self.queueManager(context.guild_id) as queue: interaction = await context.respond(f"Searching {query}...") if not isinstance(interaction, Interaction): return entries = await self.sources.processQuery(interaction, query) if entries is None: await interaction.edit_original_response(content=f"{query} not found") return queue.add(entries) await self.playbackManager.registerQueue( context.guild_id, queue,,, ) if entries[0].playlist is not None: await interaction.edit_original_response( content=f"{len(entries)} songs added to queue from playlist {entries[0]}" ) else: await interaction.edit_original_response( content=f"{entries[0]} was added to queue" ) @slash_command(name="nowplaying") async def nowPlaying(self, context: ApplicationContext): assert async with self.queueManager(context.guild_id) as queue: entry = queue.nowPlaying() if entry is None: await context.respond("No song playing") return requester = await assert requester is not None embed = ( Embed(, url=entry.title.url) .add_field( name="Artist", value=f"[{}]({entry.artist.url})" ) .set_author( name="Now Playing", ) .set_image(url=entry.thumbnail) .set_footer( text=requester.display_name, icon_url=requester.display_avatar.url ) ) if entry.playlist is not None: embed.add_field( name="Playlist", value=f"[{}]({entry.playlist.url})", ) await context.respond(embed=embed)